15 Jan 2024 jm

We are still moving forward ffs

We made progress on the ole web page today. We managed to figure out how to implement 3 theme buttons for our nav bar. That was cool. They look pretty sharp but I have ideas for tweaks. As with all adventures, there was adversity. And on this particular adventure the adversity began when the theme kept swapping back to the original every time we clicked on a nav link. Inserts sadge doge emote here. I tried and failed to insert the emoji. I haven’t unlocked the power of copy from terminal paste into NVIM yet, but It’ll become annoying enough at some point to figure out.

We also enjoyed a few other minor successes in styling the nav bar and making it sticky. Also trying to unravel the path Jekyll creates to the OG SPA css/js/angular + md (markdown for clarity) through because that reverting style thing is not a problem without Jekyll and its implementation of Liquid in my way. I’m still not entirely sure how github is playing a role in the, for lack of a better word, application. It’s a very strange cloud/localhost hybrid but I’m I am enjoying rooting into the guts of these things and figuring it out.

While I do need to make sure I swap to Lua, and Anuglar/DotNet from time to time (to get paid) I am learning a lot deep in docland about how to be better when I am getting paid. Which is a pretty neat cycle that will end up being very self serving. I burn through the work code, relatively error free and ensure that every possible moment after the paybell rings at 3 or 5 or 8 hours after I start, is MINE to do for ME what I need to in order to ensure a successful future for my kids and I.

Learning to navigate documentation, even when it ‘seems dry’ has turned out to be something incredibly fascinating when you are TRULY interested in what it is trying to teach you. Beyond having to look it up for work. Have to look it up to build your future for your kids! That’s how you unlock the tremendous superpower of, RTFM. It truly is 99.98% of the time the very shortest path to your answer. MOST of the time you can find it in the docs quicker than loading YT, typing in a search term and then sifting through the swill.


Love ya, JM