13 Jan 2024 jm

Why thefuck would I name my post this way

Again, the second post has you wondering RIGHT out of the gate ‘thefuck is this guy doing naming his second ever in history blog post “The fuck”’?

I want to tell you about that too. But after some sleep so I can really dive in about how that small, fast free application has saved me HUNDREDS of keystrokes today alone and how it can save you thousands or hundreds of thousands over a life time, so get started now. Seriously go google ‘arch thefuck’ and laugh with me on twitch or discord. LMAO

Update: 2024-01-16

So getting back to this, allow me to demonstrate how awesome thefuck is. Have you ever forgot to type sudo before running pacman?

fuck I forgot sudo

Instead of all that up arrow backspacing, or up arrow, home, right arrow 2 or more times (if you have to arrow past sudo rm, for example) times and space, just type fuck <enter> and thefuck will more than likely have what you meant ready to go with a quick tap of <enter>.

Notice those up and down arrows? THAT’S RIGHT, if the first guess isn’t right you can down arrow into a stack full of ideas thefuck has to get you where you intended to be!

Ever tried removing a directory and you forgot to -rf? thefuck has you covered:

fuck I forgot the -rf

If you’re wondering what da HE*K that escrotum -s is, you should probably go read the post I did on it. Yet another unreal command from the CLI to save tons of time!

I hope this convinces you that you need to use it thefuck. (and escrotum)

Workflow: Executes an incorrect command -> fuck -> Oh wow, thefuck knew exactly what I meant to do! <enter>! Efficiency POWER UP YO!

Love, JM