13 Jan 2024 jm

EEEEEE Scrotum

A banana is an edible fruit - botanically a berry and you’re already wondering wt ever loving f a banana has to do with escrotum huh? Well that’s hilarious because it’s an incredibly handy screenshotting utility I have used like 30 times today and I want to tell you all about it. But it’s late AF and I want to get a few more steps into this thing before I give you all a full hour sit down blog. But I just wanted to be the ‘LET’S GET GOING ON THIS ADVENTURE’ story, the one I tell you all on the ponies as we head though the forest on our way to the misty mountain.. nevermind. ANYWAYS it’s an amazingly useful tool that makes me giggle like a child when I type the command. And we should talk more about that. Allow me to capture a memory of this laugh we share together

escrotum -s -d 2

(/home/jm/2024-01-13-040915_299x178_escrotum.png) <– I even get to laugh again when I see the default naming scheme LMAO